Cool Items!

model Name find do
Ender Pearl enderman teleport's you wherever you throw it.
Nether Quartz Nether make blocks
Nether Star wither make Beacon
Emerald trading, mining you can trade with Villagers
Snowball snow block, with shovel!!! throw
Diamond any cave make stuff
Trial Key Trial Ruins loot the Trial Spawner
Magma Cream Magma cube, 4=Magma Block potions
Ominous Bottle kill Pillager with Ominous Banner starts a raid at a village when you drink it. a raid is when a village gets attacked. mob in the raid. Vindicator, Ravager, Witch, Evoker, Ravager Pillager
Water Bucket make it Water Bucket clutch, Catch an Axolotl in a Bucket, Catch a Tadpole in a Bucket, Catch a cod in a Bucket, Catch a Salmon in a Bucket, Catch a Tactical Fishing in a Bucket, Catch a Pufferfish Fishing in a Bucket
Eye of Ender make it. Ender Pearl Blaze Powder leads you to the end. the eye can brack so you need 12 blaze rod's
Blaze Powder make with just a blaze Rod potions, Eye of Ender
Conduit make, Nautilus Shell, Nautilus Shell Breath under water
Conduit Activated Breath under water