Minecraft Enchanted Books!

Model Name Effect Goes On Maximum Level
Thorns when something ataxe you it will take Damage to it is rebenge Armor lll
Protection dose less Damage to you Armor lV
mending rapirs you stuff with XP Armor, Elytra, sword, axe, pickaxe, Shield, Trident, bow, crossbow, Mace, hoe, shovel l
Riptide makes you fly in water or rainhd Trident lll
power it dose more Damage bow V
flame when you shoot something there will be flames Bow l
Multishot there will be three arrows on each shot Crossbow l
Loyalty it will come back to you Trident lll
Unbreaking it wont brack as fast Armor, Elytra, sword, axe, pickaxe, Shield, Trident, bow, crossbow, Mace, hoe, shovel lll
Impaling the damage applies to all mobs and players when in contact with water Trident V
Fire Protection Fire Protection reduces all sources of fire damage the user takes armor lV
feather Falling Feather Falling is one of the rarest enchantments to obtain through an enchanting table. you take less fall damage. boots lV
Aqua Affinity you can mine blocks V times as faster Underwater helmet, Turtle shell l
looting will give you more of something you killed. but not a player sword lll
Fire Aspect wene you hite something it will cketch on Fire sword ll
Silk Touch if you mine a ore it will stay a block. and not just of ores pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe l
soul speed when you walk on soul sand it is faster. but if you dont have it you will walk slow. boots lll
Efficiency you mine faster shovel, hoe, pickaxe, Axe lll