Minecraft Tools!

Name Use make
Shears Shears can be used on a sheep to remove its coat, Shearing a mooshroom drops 5 mushrooms, CobwebDead, Bush, FernGrassNether, SproutsLeaves, Tripwire, Vines, Seagrass, Glow Lichen, Hanging Roots, Twisting Vines, Weeping Vines two iron
Flint and steel it will make Fire flint and iron
Netherite shovel, Diamond shovel, iron shovel, gold shovel, stone shovel, wooden shovel mine Grass and other stuff two sticks and the one Diamond iron stone plank
Wooden axe, stone axe, iron Axe, gold Axe, Diamond axe, Netherite axe mine wood 2 sticks 3 planks, 3 stone, 3 iron, 3 gold, 3 Diamond
Wooden hoe, stone hoe, iron hoe, gold hoe, Diamond hoe, Netherite hoe mine wood 2 sticks 2 planks, 2 stone, 2 iron, 2 gold, 2 Diamond