Minecraft Structures

Location Name loot mobs
overwold Woodland Mansion op Allay, Evoker, Vindicator, zombie, creeper, skeleton
in the woodland Mansion there is a Diamond block. it will look like this
overwold, Nether Ruined nether Portal ok none
overwold Ancient City, there is a hidden basement do you think you can find it? but this is where the Warden spwon's op you will heve to make sownd to wake the Warden
overwold Pillager outpost ok Allay Iron Golem,Pillager
overwold Meadows Village ok IronGolem, pig, cow, horse, Chicken, sheep, Villager
overwold Jungle pyramid ok whatever goes inside
overwold Trail Ruins ok none
overwold igloo bad whatever gose in side
overwold Igloo bottom,under the carpet some times there will be a traped door and you can get loot ok Zombie Villager, Villager
Nether Bastion op Piglin, Piglin Brute, Zombified Piglin, Hoglin
Nether Nether Fortress ok Blaze, Wither Skeleton, Zombified Piglin, Magma Cub, Skeleton
overwold Desert pyramid op zombie, skeleton, creeper, Husk
overwold Trial Chambers op Breezes, silverfish, skeletons, strays, bogged, zombies, husks, slimes, spiders, cave spiders,
overwold Stronghold op zombie, creeper, skeleton, Spider
overwold Mineshaft good zombie, creeper, skeleton, Spider, CaveSpider
overwold Witch hut bad Witch, black cat
overwold Abandoned Village bad pig, cow, horse, Chicken, sheep, zombie Villager
end Small End City good Shulker, enderman
end end ship OP. you get the Elytra Shulker, enderman
overwold Monster Room good whatever is in side. it can be the zombie, skeleton, or spider
overwold Ocean Monument good Guardian, Elder Guardian. a Guardian will give you Mining Fatigue so it will take longer for you to break a block
overwold Buried Treasure Chest po for a start but if not good none
overwold Underwater ruin cold ok Drowned, Drowned with Trident, Dolphin,
end End City With end Ship op Shulker, enderman