Minecraft Mobs!

Name Health Damage XP Drops
Vex 14 13 3 Iron Sword
Enderman 40 3 5 Ender Pearl
Zombie 20 3 5 Rotten Flesh, Iron Ingot, Carrot, Potato, Zombie Head
Vindicator 26 6 5 Emerald, Iron Axe
Skeleton 20 5 5 Bone, Bow, Arrow
Endermite 6 3 3 Nothing
Silverfish 8 1 5 Nothing
Warden 500 45 5 Sculk Catalyst
Guardian 30 9 10 Raw Cod, Clownfish, Pufferfish, Salmon, Prismarine Crystal & Shard
Evoker 24 6 10 Totem of Undying, Emerald
Piglin 16 8 5 Gold Sword, Gold Ingot, Crossbow,
Zoglin 40 3 5 Rotten Flesh
Bogged 8 4 5 Bones, Arrows, Arrows of Poison, Damaged bows,
Ender Dragon 100 10 12000 Ender Dragon egg
Pillager 24 6 5 Crossbow, Emerald, Arrow, Enchanted Book
Spider 10 2 5 String, Spider Eye
Drowned 20 9 5 fishing rod, nautilus shell
stray 20 2 5 Bone, Arrow, Arrows of Slowness, Bow
Zombie Villager 20 3 5 rotten flesh
Dolphin 10 3 3 raw cod
bee 10 1 5 Nothing
Llama 15 1 3 leather
Zombified Piglin 20 5 3 golden sword, golden axe, crossbow, gold ingot, gold nuggets, rotten flesh
Hoglin 20 8 5 raw porkchop, leather
Creeper 20 42 5 Creeper Head, Gunpowder
Slime Big: 16 Small: 4 Tiny: 1 Big: 4 Small: 2 Tiny: 0 Big: 4 Small: 2 Tiny: 1 Slime Ball
Blaze 20 9 10 Blaze Rod
Husk 20 4 7 Rotten Flesh, Iron Ingot, Potato, Carrot
Wither Skeleton 20 10 5 Coal, Bone, Wither Skull
Wither 300 35 50 Nether Star
Phantom 20 26 5 Phantom Membrane
Iron Golem 100 7 to 23 0 Iron Ingot, Poppy
Witch 26 6 5 Glass Bottle, Glowstone Dust, Gunpowder, Redstone, Spider Eye, Stick, Sugar
Ghast 10 17 5 Ghast Tear, Gunpowder
Piglin Brute 50 15 20 Gold Axe
Creaking 0.5 3 Nothing Nothing
Breeze 30 0.5 10 Breeze Rod
Elder Guardian 80 8 10 prismarine shards, raw cod, prismarine crystals,tide armor trim smithing template, wet sponge,
Magma Cube Big: 16 Medium: 8 Tiny: 2 Big:6 Medium:4 Tiny:3 Big: 4 Small: 2 Tiny: 1 Magma Cream
Ravager 100 10 20 Saddle
Shulker 30 2 20 Shulker Shell
Drowned with Trident 20 11 5 fishing rod, nautilus shell, Trident
CaveSpider 12 2 5 String, Spider Eye
Pufferfish 3 3 3 Pufferfish, bonemeal, Bone
Trader Llama 15 1 3 leather, chest
Charged Creeper 20 85 5 gunpowder
Pillager with Ominous Banner 24 6 5 Crossbow, Emerald, Arrow, Enchanted Book, Ominous Bottle