Adalynn's Minecraft Site!

Bedrock Edition

armadillos drop 1 scute every few minutes without the need for a player to interaction. thay can be helpfull to make wolf armor. Minecraft is nineteen years old.As you might know Minecraft is a popular game.Goats drop a goat horn when they charge into a solid block.When you go to the Pale Garden it gets gray. That is where you find the Creaking.The Bogged spawns in a trial chamber or swamp. The Breeze only spawns in the trial chambers.Ancient Debris can be fond in the Nether.Ancient Debris is common underneath lava.did you know a baby zombie drops (12) XP.well now you know.the IronGolem will attack if you hit it.if a Piglin attacks you can war Goldarmor then they will not attack you. if a Villager gets hit with lightning it will turn in to a witch.

Allay's can be helpfull to get items that you can't reach. to do that you have to put the item in it's hand's. if a red Mooshroom gets hit with lightning it will turn in to a brown Mooshroom. if a creeeper gets hit with lightning it turns in to a Charged Creeper and if it kill's a Mob it will drop a music disc. if a skeleton or stray kill's a Charged Creeper it will drop a creeper head.

so if a husk drawns it turns in to a zombie if the zombie drawns it turns in to a Drowned. zombie's will kill a Villager but sometimes thay turn in to a zombie Villager. if a husk hits you it will make you hunggry faster

how to go to the nether. you need Obsidian it should look like This. use a flint and steel to ignite the portal